Hobbies to Start at Home for Men

Here are just some things you can start doing at home to ride out the current situation.

The current situation isn’t exactly ideal for the lifestyles of most. Humans are social creatures, and as such, we need to be able to hear and speak to others to formulate our own ideas and shape those around us. That being said, being at home can sometimes feel like a dreadful experience. (Even more so for men who are go-getters by nature and are used to always being on the next goal, doing the next thing). Although it won’t replace genuine outside experiences, there are some things you could take up at home to enrich both mind and body.


The Journey to Inner Peace

The perks of meditation need no introduction. You don’t have to be an expert in the field of reflection, though. If you’re totally new, you could even download one of many guided meditation apps available on smartphones.

Some great paid options include:

Headspace: Meditation & Sleep (iOS | Android)

Waking Up: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness (iOS | Android)

And a fantastic free alternative:

Insight Timer - Meditation, Sleep, Music (iOS | Android)

Another great option on the journey to inner peace comes in the form of yoga. Generally wrongly associated with women, yoga provides a fantastic means to greater flexibility, breathing, and overall fitness. Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, and even the Beatles’ Paul McCartney (the list goes on) are all widely known yoga advocates. Thus, the results speak for themselves.


Master the Art of the Meal

It’s long since the days where women were expected to be the cooks in the family. These days, men everywhere are coming to realize the rewarding, highly technical hobby of cooking. The options are pretty much endless when it comes to choosing what you want to make.


Middle Eastern?

Maybe Indian?

There are as many choices for cuisine as there are actual ingredients available to be ordered straight to your doorstep. And arguably, the best part of this hobby is that it produces delicious results. Cooking is just one of those things that, when mastered – last generations apart.


Pick Up Exceptional Reading Material

Intelligence is a prime mark of a man, more so in youth. With everyone at home for long periods, it may be good to pick a more literary hobby. Maybe you’ve never read before, or it has long since been you picked up a novel. Whatever the case may be, many services are available online to get books delivered to your doorstep. While the selection may seem daunting at first, you don’t have to limit yourself strictly to novels. Marvel and DC make excellent reading material in comic books, often spanning decades of issues, volumes, and reboots. 

It cannot be understated the power of a firm grasp in literature.

It will make you more confident in yourself due to the wealth of information you’ll be absorbing during your newfound free time. Plus, they’re mighty entertaining to boot.


Vinyl Isn’t Just a Hipster Thing Anymore

This is more afar-fetched hobby that may not appeal to some but just maybe the thing needed for others. Researching, scouring, and discovering new records is an enriching hobby, to say the least. Not only will you learn a newfound love for some of the more obscure works of musical art, but you’ll have an entire library to adorn across your home. Again, this is some people’s cuppa, but probably not others.


Cultivate a Green Thumb of Your Own

During our current locked-down days, gardening has seen a resurgence. People across the globe are starting to discover that you don’t actually need a wide-open yard to produce some of the most beautiful flora around. Gardening is hugely fulfilling, giving you a newfound appreciation for the nature surrounding us. It also leads to your home becoming more spectacular with a few green friends.


A message for anyone reading this at the moment, don’t let the fact of being at home dishearten you from trying new experiences and cultivating new skills along the way. Making the best of an uncomfortable situation is something we’ll all have to face someday – so better now than never.


For more on what to do now

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