How to breast feed your baby

With many proven benefits for both mom and baby, more and more people are inclined towards breast-feeding over formula. Although it may seem simple, the process of breastfeeding your new born can be a tedious task that may leave you feeling flustered and frustrated. Getting the hang of the process takes time so be patient while you slowly get comfortable with the techniques and nursing knowhow.

Knowing when your baby is hungry

Hunger is one of the first reasons why your baby will communicate with you! Even though crying is a cue for hunger, look out for more subtle ways your baby might indicate when he/she is hungry. These could include smacking his or her lips, putting their fists in their mouth, turning their head from side to side etc.

Find a quiet environment

While this might not always be possible when you’re not at home, try your best to find a quiet and calm environment, especially if you are a newbie mom. This will help both you and the baby be comfortable and relaxed. Make sure you have good back support and pillows that you can use during feeding.

Hold your baby comfortably

You may have heard of many different ways to hold your baby so therefore its not a one solution fits all. With some trial and error, find the breast -feeding position that works best for you and your baby.

TheCradle Hold: Lay your baby across your abdomen, support his or her head with one hand and his bottom with the other.

The Lying Down: Hold your baby next to you in bed with his or her mouth at the same height or a tad bit lower than your nipples. Adjust the baby’s mouth towards the closest nipple and circle your other arm around him or her.

The Football Hold: Tuck your baby’s legs under your arms on the same side as the breast you are feeding from. Hold your baby up on a pillow and use your other hand to cup your breast.

Getting your munchkin to latch on

Now that you’re seated comfortably and holding your bub right, its time to get him/her to latch on.

·     Hold your baby to your breast. Do not lean over him/her. Use a pillow if necessary to prop the baby up. The little one should be directly facing you with his/her belly touching yours.

·     Place your fingers and thumb around your areola.

·     Slightly tilt your babies head back and tickle the lips with your nipple until the baby opens their mouth.

·     Scoop the breast into the mouth by placing their lower jar on first, below the nipple.

·     Place the babies upper jaw on the breast directly by tilting their head forward.

Breast-feeding duration

This time varies from baby to baby, therefore instead of setting a time limit, let your little one take their own time. A normal session usually lasts for 20 to 30 minutes but your baby could take more or less time.Ideally at least one breast should be drained at each feeding.