The color of your period and what it means  

The look and color of period blood, also known as menses can vary from day to day and also differ from woman to woman. A mixture of both blood and tissue of your lining of your uterus, the color of your period blood can help determine a lot of about your health and cycle flow.

Here’s a comprehensive list of the different types of period blood colors, w hat it means and when it might be time to go see a doctor.


Bright Red

This usually means its fresh blood with a steady flow.  Usually present at the start of your period, this may remain the same or darken towards the latter part of the period. You might also see bright red blood when you are suffering with cramps, this is due to the fact that uterus is contracting and the blood flow is heavier.


Dark Red

Dark red menses suggest older blood or a slower flow. This happens because older blood gets released when the deeper parts of the uterus lining starts shedding.



Sometimes appearing at the beginning or end of your period, Pink blood could mean that the blood has mixed with the cervical fluid and diluted its hues. It could also be a sign of low estrogen levels. This color may also be present in those who engage in frequent exercise such as sports, running etc. which cause estrogen levels to drop.


Black menses could be a sign of old blood or blood that has taken awhile to leave the uterus. It could also be a sign of a blockage inside the vagina. Other symptoms of a blockage are fever, difficulty urinating, itching or swelling around the vagina or a foul-smelling discharge.



If your menses are grey, it could mean one of two things. If you are not pregnant it could be the sign of an STD/STI infection. Other symptoms include itching around the vagina, fishy smelling vaginal odor and painful urination.  People with these symptoms should go see a doctor.

If you are pregnant, immediately go see your doctor as it could mean an early miscarriage.  



While it could just be that your period blood has mixed with cervical fluid, if your orange menses is followed by symptoms such as vaginal discomfort, itching and foul-smelling discharge, it is a sign of an STD/STI. Do go see your doctor in order to get treated.


While the color and consistency of the period blood differs from person to person, it may be time to see a doctor if you show the following symptoms.

·      Heavy bleeding/large clots: This could be a sign of menorrhagia. It is recommended you see a doctor if you are heavily bleeding in a way that requires you to change your pad every two hours or less or have blood clots that are extremely large.

·       Bleeding after menopause

·       Irregular periods in flow and length

·       Itchy vagina

·       Unusual vaginal discharge

·       Fever

·       Missing your period

