About Us

For over thirty years, Signature has defined corporate zeal in the professional space. A man in the modern, professional space wants to feel confident in their demeanour and to be taken seriously by their colleagues and co-workers. This is where Signature comes in. The attitude that Signature embodies applies to many markedly different industries, yet Signature is the constant the remains true to form. This professional ideal and odorous tone is carried out through fragrances that enhance the musk and boosts professional confidence in a way that few can.

Signature today, in the modern entrepreneurial space, brings in a sense of success that any man can take into any room he chooses to enter. Signature augments the already budding confidence in the corporate executive and runs with it. With one’s scent acting as a key indicator of individuality, Signature’s unique fragrance is the confident person’s gateway to accomplishment, prepping the next generation’s thinkers and movers.

Where Black Knight made its mark on the industry decades prior, Signature takes a more focused turn, and is designed for the corporate go-getter. Everything we craft, from cologne, to aftershave, to the moisturizing cream that supplements the skin, is designed to bring corporate confidence to the front of the executive’s image and skyrocket their success into the stratosphere.  
From the primed-up corporate setting in the 90’s, to the ever-shifting workspace of the early 2000’s, and finally to the dynamic digital and entrepreneurial space today, the mark of Signature has largely been unchanged but the nature of the brand is such that it has applied and continues to apply to many generations of men, bringing them one step closer to success.

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