Our Journey

Optimum is a part of the ICL Brands heritage and been a trusted choice of discerning Sri Lankan woman for many years. Optimum women know they're going places and they know how to win at the game of life. Just make the journey better with Optimum by your side.

An Optimum Woman is classy and compassionate. She's on a mission to make it with her signature fragrance lingering around her. Optimum is a grown up brand for successful women who know what they want and aren't afriad to go for it. Optium women take it to the limit and leave their mark wherevery they go.

ICL Brands have delivered world class products into your hearts, homes and places of work for generations and Optimum has always been a part of the successful journey. This is why Optimum is a perfume that's backed by a rich heritage of being the ideal companion for women who rule the world for many years.

Our Fragrance

Warm, sensual, and unforgettable, Optimum fragrance especially crafted for women who want to leave their mark on the world. Choosing an Optimum fragrance means you will leave an amber glow, wherever you go.

Our Heritage

The rich heritage of Optimum has been an instinctive choice for driven women. Having an Optimum fragrance will transform you as it has done for generations of Sri Lankan women before you

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