How to get a good night of sleep

We’ve all been there, the restless tossing and turning, and getting maybe a few hours of sleep and waking up feeling drained and weary.

While everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time, if it’s a constant occurrence, it can take a major toll on our overall physical and mental well-being.

Below are some simple ways to feel more energized and productive in the morning by catching some uninterrupted ZZZ’s.

  • Be mindful of how much you consume during dinner. Try to avoid going to bed hungry or too full. This could leave to discomfort which could keep you up at night.
  • Stick to a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Being consistent with your sleep schedule will help your body stick to the sleep-wake cycle.
  • Create a relaxing sleep environment. Your sleeping space should be cool, dark and peaceful.
  • Take a hot bath before bed time.
  • Limit screen time. Stop using your phones and laptop at least two hours prior to bedtime. The blue light that is emitted from your screen can trick your brain into thinking it is still day time, which therefore reduced hormones like melanin which help you relax and get deep sleep.
  • Avoid daytime naps. If you must have a nap during the day, try to have a quick power nap that is about 30 minutes or so.
  • Try to stay fit and active. Getting in some cardio can help with better sleep.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine towards the latter part of the day. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system which might interfere with your ability to sleep well at night. Since caffeine stays in your blood for up to 8 hours, drinking coffee after 4pm is usually not recommended.
  • Don’t use your bed as an office space to respond to emails and calls. Make sure to only use it for sleeping and resting.
  • Don’t keep staring at the clock. When you’re having trouble falling asleep, constantly checking the time and adding up how little sleep you are getting will make you feel stressed and uneasy.
  • If you keep tossing and turning, leave your bedroom, and engage in something relaxing. Read a book or listen to some soothing music. Head back to your room when you are tired and try falling asleep.
  • Leave your worries aside. Before preparing for bed, list down your concerns, worries and tasks for the next day. Leave it for tomorrow and avoid overthinking.
  • Try a few minutes of meditation or guided meditation.
  • Invest in a comfortable bed, mattress and pillow.
  • Do not drink a lot of liquid before bed. This could result in constant trips to the bathroom.
  • Consume wholesome food such as almonds, turkey, kiwi, fatty fish, walnuts etc. that aid with getting in some good sleep.
  • Have a chamomile tea, which may help you relax.

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