Eat yourway to a healthy lifestyle!

It is true what they say, you are what you eat. Our diet and nutrition play an important role in our physical health as well as our mental well-being. When paired with a physical activity, a good diet can help you maintain a wholesome lifestyle reducing your risks of conditions such as diabetes and heart disease while promoting overall health. Here are some easy ways to improve your eating habits.

  • Include high fiber starchy carbs in your meals. Carbs should make up just over the third of the food you eat. Choose high fiber foods such as brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta etc. which help you feel full for longer.
  • Eat slow. Taking your time to eat might reduce your calorie intake Eating slowly also results in more thorough chewing which has been linked to better weight management.
  • Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in to your diet. 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day would be ideal.
  • Cut down on the alcohol. Alcoholic beverages do not contain any necessary macros or nutrients therefore do try to drink in moderation.
  • Say no to fizzy drinks that contain a lot of added sugar and are high in calories.
  • Reduce your salt and sodium intake. If you are suffering from hypertension, kidney diseases or diabetes, reduce it to about 1500mg a day if possible.
  • Avoid junk food! These food types contain refined sugars, flour and trans-fat that contribute towards weight gain and illnesses.
  • Switch to low fat or non-fat milk.
  • Always make a grocery list before you go shopping. This can help prevent you unnecessary impulse purchases like snacks and sodas. Plan ahead and write down exactly what you need.
  • Include eggs in your diet. Eggs are rich in high quality protein and many essential nutrients.
  • Stay hydrated through the day by drinking lots of water.
  • Curb your hunger by indulging in healthy snacks such as dark chocolate, granola, carrot sticks with hummus, rice cakes etc.
  • Choose baking and roasting over grilling and frying.
  • Try at least two healthy recipes for a week.
  • Cook at home more often and try to reduce eating out. Restaurant meals usually include processed ingredients, high levels of sodium and trans fats.
  • Eat from a smaller plate. Sometimes the size of your plate can affect how much you eat. Meals on a large plate will make the portion size seem smaller, while meals served on a small plate will make the portion size seem bigger.
  • Drink your coffee black. Avoid putting sugar, sweeteners, heavy creams, honey etc. in your coffee.
  • Eat more fish. High in Omega-3 fats, fish may help prevent heart disease.
  • Cut down on saturated fats such as cakes, sausages, butter, hard cheese, fatty meats and biscuits.
  • Do not skip breakfast. A healthy balanced breakfast will help you get the nutrients you need to maintain good health.

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